Chrysnah May | Jul 29, 2023
"Who are you to stop me from entering this building?" said the woman. “You have no right to enter here, you are dead in your husband's mind. I am the one he loves now.” Answer of the woman. “I will take back everything I own and everything I have. I will not allow you...
Chrysnah May | Dec 21, 2022
What can this woman sacrifice for love and family? She was Naneth Reyes, with a nightmare past. Her aunt Lora raised her. She grew up to be an intelligent, brave, and beautiful woman. But abused by her uncle Deme when she was a child. She was forcedly married to Robin...
Chrysnah May | May 29, 2022
A story about the long lost heir of Grande’s Family which supposed to be the billionaire. While Chelsea came from a rich family who fall in love with a server but she was forcedly married by the step son of Grande’s family. The step son name Carlos has an evil plan...